Frazee Family History

Donnottar Castle

If you would like to read more about the Frazee family line, please click on the button below to download the book. The book is free. You are welcome to print it for your personal use.

We do have a copywrite on the book, though, so you may not use any portion of the book for financial gain. And you may not include anything from the book in any other publication or website without written permission. To obtain written permission, please email

This was originally a scrapbook, written by a mother to her children, so the writing is casual, and it does not contain things such as a reference list. However, we felt that the book could still be of benefit to others in the family line due to the many hours of research that have gone into its compilation. 



Photo above is of Donnattor Castle, where Samuel Maxwell Fraser was born. Donnattor is located on the eastern side of Scotland. When Samuel was born, it was near Clan Fraser territory, near Aberdeenshire.